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    Passing the Baton as We Imagine a New Way

    For nearly 50 years, The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation has welcomed new generations of board members, staff members, and other supporters. Each time, the previous generation passes the baton to the next generation in support of our mission.

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    Announcing Second Round Grants 2021

    The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Board of Trustees met virtually this June and approved $4.3 million in grants to nonprofit organizations focused on the Arts, Education, Informed Communities, and Technical Assistance, as well as new Imagine a New Way grants that address root causes and repair of structural racism and inequity in New Jersey.

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    Announcing First Round Grants 2021

    The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Board of Trustees met virtually this March and approved more than $2.8 million in grants toward an equitable and just New Jersey.

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    Announcing Our Final Grants of 2020

    At their final board meeting of the year, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Trustees approved more than $2.4 million in grants to support New Jersey’s nonprofit sector and communities, including $340,000 in new COVID-19 relief and response grants.

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    Our COVID-19 Response

    Dodge has awarded more than $2 million in COVID-19 relief and response grants using funds from the Foundation’s administrative, operating, and grants budgets as well as additional spending from its endowment.