We know it is difficult to figure out where to turn for answers to questions during a crisis, especially one with unprecedented challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. The Dodge Foundation would like to invite all of our grantees to take advantage of free access to our Just In Time consulting with our pool of nonprofit experts to address urgent strategic and organizational practice needs.
Just In Time consulting is designed to provide free, timely guidance about a specific question or issue that can be reasonably addressed in an one-hour conversation with an assigned consultant from our Dodge Board Leaderships series faculty or our partners.
The types of consulting needed might include questions around human resources, financial/operations management, fundraising, sustainability, crisis management, communications, organizational change, navigating CARE Act opportunities, staff or board care, etc.
If you have any of the above or other needs, click on this Request for Just In Time consulting link to find out more details and to submit a request.
Please note the Just In Time consulting resources are limited so we will give preference to those organizations with less access to professional consultants. Please know, however, we are actively working on lining up additional consulting services from our nonprofit and grantee partners.
If you have project needs or issues that require a greater time commitment, please consider the following resources:
- ProBono Partnership for probono legal services
- CatchafireNJ.org for volunteer capacity building services
We also realize that many of you may have found your technology not ready for virtual working and communication. If your organization is in need of increased access to a virtual platform (e.g. a paid Zoom account), please fill out this short COVID-19 technology need form.
We are still developing resources for technology support, but in the meantime, we suggest you look at Tech Soup for their comprehensive free tech support tools and courses.
Other key nonprofit resources related to COVID-19/CARES Act can be found here on the Dodge Foundation website: https://www.grdodge.org/covid-19-nonprofit-resources/
Additional opportunities
Free Loan Clinics and resources from Fiscal Management Associates (FMA)
1) Private clinics for Dodge grantees: We offered two financial clinics for Dodge grantees the week of April 6. In the clinics, a team of FMA staff provides any updates from the previous 24 hours and orients attendees to the CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program by attending to key aspects of the application process. FMA will then open the floor to a Q&A, with their consultants answering questions in written form and verbally as needed. Recordings from the first session on 4/7 and the second session on 4/9 will be shared with participants. Stay tuned for future opportunities.
2) Tools and resources: This will include helping grantees address any additional needs they will have upon successful application under the PPP program, assessing whether to accept the funds, planning for what to do with them, and preparing for the forgiveness process. See their current tools at https://fmaonline.net/ppptoolbox.
3) Access and delivery of FMA public clinics through April 15, which are also open to grantees on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
Wendy Liscow, Education Program Director
Judy Ha Kim, Technical Assistance Manager