Michele Russo, Poetry Coordinator
Several of us on the Dodge staff made it to Art All Night in Trenton last weekend. What an amazing event! Hundreds and hundreds of artworks were on display—artists as young as 10 months old to artists who have clearly worked over many years honing their vision and their craft. There were artists creating work on the spot, great music, food, and a few interactive projects for us to join in.
There was no way to experience it all, which in its own way was freeing. Often when I go to an exhibit, I feel a pressure to “see it all” and “get it all” but at Art All Night, I found myself simply wandering and allowing myself to connect with whatever artwork was speaking to me at that moment. When I talked with my colleagues who’d attended, I was amazed to find out that we each saw things the others did not. That’s how rich it was. Our congratulations go to the staff and volunteers of Artworks for their tireless work in producing such an ambitious event.
Below you’ll find some photos that my colleagues and I took at the event. We apologize that we did not write down the artists’ names to credit them in this blog post. We are trying to identify the artists, but if you happen to know them or be one of them, let us know and we’ll post it.