Welcome to all new visitors to the Dodge Blog!
Last October, we quietly launched the Dodge Blog, in order to get a feel for how we (and you) might use it to communicate and interact for various purposes.
I am writing now to say we are ready for the “official” launch and invite you to both enjoy and participate in the Dodge Blog in the weeks and months ahead.
As of Friday, April 3, 2009, we will offer the following schedule:
Mondays, and 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month: “Views from the Field” by Dodge Program Officers and invited guests.
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month: “Thinking About Philanthropy” by Dodge President and CEO David Grant and invited guests.
Fridays: Selected videos from the Dodge Poetry Festival Archive, with introduction and commentary by Poetry Director Martin Farawell.
We will use Tuesdays and Thursdays for news and announcements by Dodge staff and grantees.
If you subscribe (see instructions in the right column), new blog entries will be sent automatically to your email, where you can read, enjoy, and (we hope) respond to the entries. Your participation will add enormous value to the Blog, and we will in turn respond to you.
With all best wishes,
David Grant
President and CEO
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation